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2-4 Жовтня 2024 • Україна, Київ, МВЦ
2-4 Жовтня 2024 • Україна, Київ, МВЦ
October 2-4, 2024 • Ukraine, Kyiv, IEC
October 2-4, 2024 • Ukraine, Kyiv, IEC
The biggest medical event in Ukraine!
More than 6 000 visitors - medical specialists in one place!!
Today, exhibitions acquire a completely special status due to the current economic situation. They provide a clear idea of which companies have remained "afloat" and which have left the market, which niches have become vacant, and how to plan your tactics and strategy in new realities.
The exhibition is attended by over 6,000 medical specialists. As part of the scientific and practical program - more than 80 events: seminars, master classes, conferences and symposiums.
Benefit as an exhibitor from media channels of WorldFood Ukraine for your outstanding visibility - announce your new products and participation, send your news to post on Facebook, Instagram, exhibition website and in direct mailing.
Create a lasting and memorable impression of your company and make your brand stand out from the crowd with a bespoke, custom-built exhibition stand. Your dedicated project manager will provide you with end-to-end service.
Our project team is on hand to guide you along the way and to ensure you make the most of your participation.
Blogger to Help
In order to increase the efficiency of your participation in the exhibition, the interest of visitors and potential partners to your company, there is a free service "Blogger to help" provided by exhibition organizer.
The exhibitor needs to send text information, photos, videos about new products/services, technologies that will be presented at the "Public Health" exhibition.
The blogger will help to create a company news, which, after agreement with the company, will be published on:
- Facebook page of the exhibition
- Instagran page of the exhibition
- Placed in an e-mail newsletter that will be sent to the exhibition visitor base (more than 60,000 contacts)
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Inna Zadorozhnya
Event DirectorTel.. +38 044 496 86 45 (вн. 234)Mob. +38 068 036 82 92au.moc.ep%40aynhzorodaZ.I
Olha Veliksar
Sales ManagerTel. +38 044 496 86 45 (вн. 274)Mob. +380 67 128 03 31 au.moc.ep%40raskileV.O
Lyudmila Maimula
Sales ManagerTel. +38 (044) 496 86 45 (вн.273)Mob. +38 (066) 291 66 86au.moc.ep%40alumyaM.L
Bohdana Maievska
Marketing ManagerTel. +38 044 496 86 45 (вн. 244)Mob. +38 093 611 01 44au.moc.ep%40ayaksveaM.B
Olena Svirbiy
Conference service ManagerTel. +38 044 496 86 45 (вн. 219)Mob. + 380 67 863 02 44au.moc.ep%40yybrivS.O
Maksym Pihol
Technical managerTel. +380 44 4968645 (ext. 274)Mob +380 67 5493481au.moc.ep%40lohiP.M
International Exhibition Centre (IEC) Address: 15, Brovarsky Prospect, Kyiv, Ukraine How to get thereKyiv's metro has a renowned reputation and it is a fast, reliable and inexpensive way to beat the traffic. The nearest metro station to the International Exhibition Centre (IEC) is Livoberezhna.The airport, located 27 km away from Kiev.
Opening hours:To receive your free pass to the exhibition, please register online and print your personal ticket. Opening hours:• 4 October from 10:00 to 18:00• 5 October from 10:00 to 18:00• 6 October from 10:00 to 16:00
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